{ "verb": { "id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/answered", "display": { "nl-NL": "Beantwoord" } }, "object": { "id": "[http://example.com/courses/interaction/UniqueIdentifierOfTheInteraction]", /* [http://example.com/courses/interaction/UniqueIdentifierOfTheInteraction] is an example, this id should be a uri */ "definition": { "type": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/cmi.interaction", "description": { "en-US": "MyCourse question 4" }, "extensions": { "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/interactionType": "fill-in", "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/correctResponsesPattern": [ "400" ]} } }, "result": { "score": { "raw": 4, "max": 10 }, "response": "400", "success": true, "completion": true, "duration": "PT0H0M11S", /* * Same value for all interactions/statements * measured from start of the current screen */ "extensions": { "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/attempts": 1, "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/interactionType": "fill-in", "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/rate": "true" or "false" /* This shoul be a boolean value, and correspondents with the judgement (rate) of a teachers. This overrules the success value (this is used by self-judgement)*/, "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/contentId": 1, "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/properties": [ { "name": "BonusType", "value": "Robbies" }, { "name": "BonusValue", "value": "2" }] } } }
Different colors in the JSON Representation give special meaning to that part of the json.
Optional: May be added for clarity. Bao xApi ignores it if present.
Removed: Bao xApi has no use for it but TinCan Api requests/requires it. Bao xApi ignores it if present.
Comment: Comment for clarification of the property. This should not be present in the json representation