  • id: Corresponds to a Verb definition. Each Verb definition corresponds to the meaning of a Verb, not the word. The IRI should be human-readable and contain the Verb meaning.
  • display: The human readable representation of the Verb in one or more languages. This does not have any impact on the meaning of the Statement, but serves to give a human-readable display of the meaning already determined by the chosen Verb.
Verb Meaning:
  • Definition: speak (express in speech)
  • Authoritative Source: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?o2=&o0=1&o8=1&o1=1&o7=&o5=&o9=&o6=&o3=&o4=&s=speak&i=0&h=00000#c
  • Usage: Get a url to an audio file that contains the requested text.
    Use statement objects for communication.

  • JSON Representation:
  • Request 1:
    	"verb": {
    		"id": "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/verbs/speak",
    		"display": {
    			"nl-NL": "Spreken"
    	"object": {
    		"id": "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/activities/speak-request",
    		"objectType": "Activity",		
    		"definition": {
    			"extensions": {
    				"http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/textToPronounce": "Hallo wereld",
    				"http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/cultureCode": "nl-NL" /* RFC 4646 cultureCode 
    							* lowercase two-letter code derived from ISO 639-1
    							* is derived from ISO 3166 and usually consists of two uppercase letters
    Response 1:
    	"verb": {
    		"id": "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/verbs/audio"
    	"result": {
    		"duration": "PT3S",
    		"extensions": {
    			"http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/uniqueId": "UniqueIdentifierOfThePronouncedTextMp3", /* A unique Id used to find the audio-file, could be the same as the url below. */
    			"http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/objectType": "audio",
    			"http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/mimeType": "audio/mpeg",
    			"http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/audio": {
    				"url": "http://example.org/media/speach/[123].mp3" /* [123] is an example filename. */
  • Request 2:
    	"verb": {
    		"id": "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/verbs/speak",
    		"display": {
    			"nl-NL": "Spreken"
    	"object": {
    		"id": "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/activities/speak-request",
    		"objectType": "Activity",		
    		"definition": {
    			"extensions": {
    				"http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/textToPronounce": "Hallo wereld",
    				"http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/cultureCode": "nl-NL", 
    				"http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/playInPortal": "true"
    Response 2:
    	"verb": {
    		"id": "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/verbs/audio"
    	"result": {
    		"duration": "PT3S"
  • Different colors in the JSON Representation give special meaning to that part of the json.

    Optional: May be added for clarity. Bao xApi ignores it if present.

    Removed: Bao xApi has no use for it but TinCan Api requests/requires it. Bao xApi ignores it if present.

    Comment: Comment for clarification of the property. This should not be present in the json representation
