property is present in the extensions
, this instructs the back-end to return custom content. Possible values for customprovider
are "TABLES"
. If customprovider
is absent or empty, content will be returned based on the provided id
{ "verb": { "id": "", "display": { "nl-NL": "Inhoud" } } }Request 2:
{ "verb": { "id": "", "display": { "nl-NL": "Inhoud" }, "object": { "id": "", "objectType": "Activity", "definition": { "extensions": { "": { "localeCode": "nl-NL", "definition": "{1..10}*{1}={1..10}", "hiddenvalues": "4", "israndomcollection": "false", "numberofitemstogenerate": "10", "numberofwrongitems": "0", "settings": "TABLES", "variablesareunique": "false", "customprovider": "TABLES" } } } } }Response example 1:
{ "verb": { "id": "", "display": { "nl-NL": "Lijst van vragen" } }, "result": { "duration": "PT13S", "extensions": { "uniqueId": "UniqueIdentifierOfTheSet", "objectType": "", "": [ { "id": "", "uniqueId": "UniqueIdentifierOfTheQuestion", "value": "AnyValueInTheFormOfAString (XML, JSON, HTML, Plain Text, Base64Encoded Binary, etc.)" } ] } } }Response equations:
{ "verb": { "id": "", "display": { "nl-NL": "Lijst met sommen" } }, "result": { "duration": "PT13S", "extensions": { "uniqueId": "UniqueIdentifierOfTheSet", "objectType": "", "": [ { "name": "equations", "value": "AnyValueInTheFormOfAString (XML, JSON, HTML, Plain Text, Base64Encoded Binary, etc.)" } ] } } }Response measurement equations:
{ "verb": { "id": "", "display": { "nl-NL": "Lijst met meet sommen" } }, "result": { "duration": "PT13S", "extensions": { "uniqueId": "UniqueIdentifierOfTheSet", "objectType": "", "": [ { "name": "measurementEquations", "value": "AnyValueInTheFormOfAString (XML, JSON, HTML, Plain Text, Base64Encoded Binary, etc.)" } ] } } }Response money:
{ "verb": { "id": "", "display": { "nl-NL": "Lijst met geld sommen" } }, "result": { "duration": "PT13S", "extensions": { "uniqueId": "UniqueIdentifierOfTheSet", "objectType": "", "": [ { "name": "money", "value": "AnyValueInTheFormOfAString (XML, JSON, HTML, Plain Text, Base64Encoded Binary, etc.)" } ] } } }Response questions:
{ "verb": { "id": "", "display": { "nl-NL": "Lijst met vragen" } }, "result": { "duration": "PT13S", "extensions": { "uniqueId": "UniqueIdentifierOfTheSet", "objectType": "", "": [ { "name": "questions", "value": "AnyValueInTheFormOfAString (XML, JSON, HTML, Plain Text, Base64Encoded Binary, etc.)" } ] } } }
Different colors in the JSON Representation give special meaning to that part of the json.
Optional: May be added for clarity. Bao xApi ignores it if present.
Removed: Bao xApi has no use for it but TinCan Api requests/requires it. Bao xApi ignores it if present.
Comment: Comment for clarification of the property. This should not be present in the json representation