{ "verb": { "id": "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/verbs/assets", "display": { "nl-NL": "Eigendommen/Onderdelen" } }, "object": { "id": http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/activities/assets-request", "objectType": "Activity" } }Response:
{ "verb": { "id": "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/verbs/assets", "display": { "nl-NL": "Eigendommen/Onderdelen" } }, "result": { "extensions": { "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/assetCollection": [ { "assetName": "AvatarFrames", "assetType" : "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/sprite", "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/sprite": { "url": "http://example.com/assets/images/mySprite.png", "size": { "width": 800, "height": 1400 }, "frames": [ { "name": "Body1", "width": 200, "height": 400, "x": 0, "y": 0 }, { "name": "Body2", "width": 200, "height": 400, "x": 0, "y": 400 }, { "name": "Hair", "width": 80, "height": 60, "x": 200, "y": 0 }, { "name": "Pants", "width": 140, "height": 210, "x": 200, "y": 60 } ], "compositions": [ { "name": "Avatar", "components": [ { "name": "Body1", "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 1 }, { "name": "Body2", "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 1 }, { "name": "Hair", "x": 80, "y": 30, "z": 4 }, { "name": "Pants", "x": 70, "y": 210, "z": 5 } ] } ] } }, { "assetName": "AvatarMouth", "assetType" : "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/animationSprite", "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/animationSprite": { "url": "http://example.com/assets/images/myAnimationSprite.png", "size": { "width": 400, "height": 40 }, "frames": { "count": 5, "width": 80, "height": 40 } } }, { "assetName": "Gem", "assetType" : "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/image", "http://bao.mijnklas.nl/xapi/extensions/image": { "url": "http://example.com/assets/images/gem.png", "size": { "width": 120, "height": 90 } } } ] } } }
Different colors in the JSON Representation give special meaning to that part of the json.
Optional: May be added for clarity. Bao xApi ignores it if present.
Removed: Bao xApi has no use for it but TinCan Api requests/requires it. Bao xApi ignores it if present.
Comment: Comment for clarification of the property. This should not be present in the json representation